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The real way to feel good for the day

Have you ever felt sick every time you woke up from the bed? Have you ever felt that you miss something at the end of the day? People always felt things something like this that always make the mood down. They also always felt sorrow every time things happened. Why you asked? It is because now days people have forgotten the important thing to do for the day, positiveness. It have been a major problem to the community. We're often told to practice self-love and self-care, but it’s rare that we’re given practical advice on how to actually do it.

I am here to give you 10 tips to feel good for the day.

1. Call your mother. For most of us, this is the person who loves us the most and has our back. Ask her for some positive words. If not mom, then call that someone who is your support person.

2. Look in the mirror. Instead of finding your physical flaws, look at your best features. Your eyes? Your hair? Your smile? Focus on that for a minute and be grateful for it.

3. Write a love note. Let someone you care about know how you feel. Spill your guts. Be mushy. Sharing your love makes you feel lovable.

4. List your accomplishments. Go on, write them down. Everything from winning the spelling bee to completing a project on time. Write down anything you can think of that you feel proud about. Look at you!

5. Clear your desk. It clears your brain. It helps you think and opens the creative channels. Now you’re buzzing. And you have a nice clean desk.

6. Do 5 minutes of exercise. Yes, 5 minutes. It’s not intimidating, but it will get the ball rolling. Even a little bit of exercise will boost your energy and could be the start of a routine for you.

7. Meditate or pray. Go within. Let your ego drop away. Just be and step outside of self-judgement for a few minutes.

8. Fix your hair and make-up. Darn if it doesn’t make you feel better. When you look your best, you see yourself differently.

9. Apologize. If you’ve done something wrong, apologize. Guilt and shame are such unhealthy emotions. Take care of this right away.

10. Find something to give away. If you have something you don’t need or use, and it might be something someone else might need or use, give it to them. It feels good — like good Karma.

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